What are your interests and what do you enjoy doing the most?
I love horseback riding for the rush and for spending time outdoors; cooking for creativity and learning from/being with my grandmother; and reading for relaxation. I enjoy horseback riding the most because it gives me a thrill like no other and it is a wonderful, environmentally friendly way to explore the outdoors.
Name one person other than your parents who has had the most influence on your life. Why?
I have looked up to my brother Warren from childhood. He has pursued his lifelong dream and succeeded in what he has put his mind to. He has won the national bodybuilding championship in Australia two years in a row and was extremely devoted, disciplined and persistent in what he did. He has inspired me to never give up and to believe in myself.
What is your career ambition and what are you doing or plan to do to accomplish that goal?
I aspire to be an international political broadcaster, much like my idol Christiane Amanpour. I am currently working as an anchorwoman/reporter for the "Lanka Business Report" on a leading TV channel in Sri Lanka and intend on furthering my education to obtain a degree in Political Science/Mass Media.
Describe where you were raised and what your childhood was like.
I was raised in Bahrain where my parents worked. Bahrain is a moderate, modern, little desert island in the Middle East full of warm and friendly people. As a child, I was an achiever, always setting my goals high and accomplishing them. I was brought up to be very independent. Both my parents worked full time so my three other siblings and I had to look out for each other and work as a team. Growing up was an enjoyable learning experience for me.
What makes you unique and different from the other contestants?
An international perspective in life makes me unique and different. I have traveled and lived in different countries, both developed and developing, and have been exposed to various cultures, languages, and people. It has shaped me to be a very cosmopolitan, sensitive, tolerant, and diplomatic person. Also, as Sri Lankans are renowned for their hospitality and approachability my blood/cultural background inherently makes me unique.